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Bacterial Food Poisoning

Dupa extra-smoothul zbor cu Austrian Airlines (Iggie doarme dus, eu ma morfolesc in toate zarile, mai cu seama la micile galme de aer din Sudul Tibetului, Ionut se lafaie pe 3 scaune deodata), ajungem incantati in dupa-amiaza fierbinte (38C) a unui Bangkok verde verde verde si gris de ciment si beton. Gata sa-l atacam.
Hotel 4 stelutze, proprietate verde incantatoare.

Foame intensa si mai cu seama pofta de bucatarie locala. La un pret mediu bag 3 soiuri de curry (verde, galben, roshu) dintr-un foc, precum si o duzina de colorate deserturi cat de-o unghie. Cade seara. O data cu prima seara in Bangkok, apar si 8 vome consecutive, fibrilatii reci si calde, cap in flacari, sperietura secolului, gata de cosciug si de repatriat. Pana cand decid sa sar in primul taxi catre primul Emmergency Room. Sistem medical impecabil, engleza impecabila, extrem de curat, pimpat, dichisit. 3 shoturi intense in patul de spital, dupa care au urmat 2 saptamani de pilule si gelule. No more curry for me, ever!
Second day in Bangkok

Ne trezim bine-dispusi. Igor in schimb isi incepe mica crucificare, 3 vome dintr-un foc. Bagam taxi urgent, de-acum cunoasteam drumul. pediatra de vreo 225 de ani, impecabila. Iata cum se poate cunoaste o cultura de foarte dinlauntrul ei.....Siropuri si injectii, totul s-a terminat cu bine.

Khao San cu Vladutz
Third day in Bangkok 7 am, sub un miliard de grade jumate, strabat cel putin 50 de km cu taxi-metrou-tren suspendat spre a-l depune pe Igor la un local day-care, cu vorbe in Engleza.

Impecabila. Dupa smirocaielile de rigoare si prietenia intensa a camarazilor thai, l-am lasat pe Igor la treaba lui si am purces peste alti 40 de km mai la vest catre KHao San Road sa ma vad tangential cu Vladutz, in drum spre Laosul lui si coborari cu barci de lemn pe curenti fluviali....Sau whatever...

Din Sukhumvitul de beton, sticla, ciment impecabil, zgarie nori fascinanti si curati, ori contorsionati in culori sobre, patrund peste pamanturile regale si intrevad din taxi GRAJDURILE imparatesti, pe undeva prin fundul domeniului atent inconjurat de garduri si garzi. Grajduri unde odihnesc, in plin centru al orasului in fapt, vacute elvetiene grase si pe jumatate adormite, linistite, pregatite de a servi familia numeroasa a Regelui.
Rege aparent pe cel putin un milion de pancarte aurite si filifizonate din 20 in 20 de metri, la fiece intersectie, pe dreapta ori pe stanga, Regele la 12 ani, la 34, la 68 (acum are 85), cu Doamna ori nu, in moda anilor'50 ori cu parul mai retezat de ani '80, etc.

Veneratie totala, care mie nu-mi poate produce decat repulsie.

Ajung pe stradute minuscule si cu cladiri de max. 1 etaj, strabatute de back packers sau thai care incearca sa vanda orice imaginabil, tarabe, trotuare, busuri fara geam, popor adevarat...
Circulatie abulica, dreapta e stanga si vice-versa, cate un templu, un altar, un wat la fiecare 200 de m spre aducere aminte.
Un soi de satuc in oras in care imediat strabat mirosurile si lay-backul. Terase cu turisti care stau acolo de veacuri, negri de bronz, aurii, decoltati, frumosi ori repulsivi. Not really my cup of tea, cam hippari pe gustul meu, dar nu toti, nu tot.

Rezolv deblocarea telefonului cu ajutorul lui Vlad, dupa care imi ofera o minima conversatie de informare si un platou cu aburinde fructe proaspete la SAWASDEEKA CAFFE pe colt cu Khao San Road. In 55 de minute ne despartim, eu mai admir putorile si parfumurile, culorile, zbenguiala, dupa care sar in taxi catre civilizatia de avant-garda din Sukhumvitul mega urban.

Preiau copilul de la gradinita incantata de romanash, si da-i 2 ore pe BTS-tren suspendat, plus metrou underground, plus taxi inca vre-o ora....la finele unui secol de peregrinari cu bebe de 3 ani de mana, absolut extaziat de peisajul high-tech, in incantarea tuturor thai-ilor din jur, ajungem "acasa" la Rama Gardens Hotel, in Nordul; Bangkokului.
Nani si piscina in 3 piscine, gym la max,  lecturi anthropologice de voie...
Miammm miamm bangkok!




1. La Maison Rouge

Located in a former industrial building, the gallery was conceived by its founder Antoine de Galbert in 2003. The exhibitions are often organised by independent guest curators, providing challenging or controversial shows but nonetheless always notable in their contribution to the current contemporary art scene in Paris. Next door is a branch of Bookstorming – a great haunt for art book lovers.
· 10, Boulevard de la Bastille, 7

lamaisonrouge.org, +33 1 40 01 08 81. Artists: Luc Delahaye, Tetsumi Kudo, François Curlet, and in September 2008: Andrea Blum, Christian Boltanski. Open: Weds-Sun 11am-7pm (Thurs 11am-9pm). Entrance: €6.50
2. Marian Goodman Gallery

The heavy portal on the rue du Temple is always closed making this treasure easy to miss. Pressing the entry bell beneath the simple bronze name-plaque of Marion Goodman Galerie will reveal one of the most important and prestigious galleries in Paris. The ground floor gallery space runs alongside the right wing of the building naturally lit by several floor to ceiling windows and in one of the basement level galleries is a crypt-like vaulted space where you can view videos of, or about, the artists on show.
· 79, rue du Temple 7500

mariangoodman.com, +33 1 48 04 70 52. Pierre Huyghe, Annette Messager, Tony Cragg, Thomas Struth, Dan Graham. Open: Tues-Sat 11am-7pm. Entrance: free
3. Passage de Retz

Another easily missed gem towards the southern end of rue Charlot in the Marais lies behind an enormous dark green heavy door. During the day, the door-within-the-door is open, through which you enter into a beautiful courtyard, enticed by a lone piece of silvered sculpture. Through the archway and to the right is a modest entrance into the small café and gallery shop. Nothing so far will prepare you for the maze of rooms beyond, where one magnificent gallery space leads to another. The shows are always unexpected in their range of artists, medium and content from Sheila Hicks’s exceptional textiles to Russian propoganda posters, and the “packaging” of French Presidential candidates.
· 9 rue Charlot 75003,

passagederetz.com, +33 1 48 04 37 99. Open: Tues-Sat 2pm-7pm. Entrance: €8

4. Galerie Xippas

In the parallel street to Charlot is one of the most famous jewels in Paris’s crown of galleries – Yvon Lambert – reached across a small courtyard off rue Vieille du Temple. But the approach also leads you past YL and up a staircase which itself is worth a view. The broad flight of wooden steps reaches up to the Xippas gallery which is wrapped around the glass roof of the Yvon Lambert downstairs. This dramatic space shows photographic artists including Valérie Belin, Valérie Jouve and Philippe Ramette and painters Chuck Close, Ian Davenport, Lisa Milroy amongst others.
· 108 rue Vieille du
Temple 75003,

xippas.com, +33 1 40 27 05 55. Open: Tues-Fri 10am-1pm, Sat 10am-7pm. Entrance: free
5. Galerie du Jour Agnès b

The woman behind the designs is also an ardent collector of contemporary art. The white clean lines of this street-fronted gallery, just a baguette’s throw from the Pompidou centre, could be mistaken for a design atelier – but once inside it’s a serious-minded gallery that has exhibited Gilbert & George and Martin Parr. A second, much bigger gallery space is reached by going through the ground floor and out across the courtyard.
· 44 rue Quincampoix 75004,

galeriedujour.com, +33 1 44 54 55 90. Artists: Lucien Hervé, Hugues Reip, Kenneth Anger, Mike Lash. Open: Tue-Sat 12pm-7pm. Entrance: free
6. Galerie Pierre-Alain Challier

Pierre-Alain Challier, the engaging and knowledgeable owner, takes time to tell you what you’d like to know about the pieces he shows in his gallery. A great space, over three floors (including a roof garden) provides a well designed backdrop to the limited edition work by artists including Arman, Yayoi Kusama, Man Ray, Jean-Michel Othoniel, Jean-Pierre Raynaud. The art here is not in the work alone but also in the lighting and beautiful presentation.
· 8 rue Debelleyme 75003,

pacea.fr, +33 1 49 96 63 00. Open: 11am-7pm. Entrance: free
7. Galerie Georges-Philippe et Nathalie Vallois

A stroll away from the Seine on the left bank will take you through a maze of streets and shopfronts. An archway entices you away from the bustle, past some mature potted bamboos into a mecca of cosmopolitan contemporary art. The gallery retains connections to new realist artists including Arman and Jacques Villeglé while exhibiting younger French and international artists, among them Boris Achour, Alain Bublex and Vincent Lamouroux. A special ‘project room’ shows site-specific work.
· 36 rue de Seine 75006,

galerie-vallois.com, +33 1 46 34 61 07. Open: Mon-Sat 10.30am-1pm, 2pm- 7pm. Entrance: free
8. Le Plateau – FRAC Ile de France

Because of its unassuming entrance, first impressions on arriving at Le Plateau might suggest a big name for a little place – but that would be misleading because the concept, the collection and range of exhibitions is enormous. In 2002, FRAC Ile-de-France (Regional Fund of Contemporary Art of the Ile-de-France region) found a home in the hilly north-western part of Paris, in the Plateau which was established as a part of a plan to revitalise this mostly working-class area. From its new space, FRAC has established a collection of over 700 works of young artists.
· Place Hannah Arendt (at the corner of Rue des Alouettes and Rue Carducci) 75019,

fracidf-leplateau.com, +33 1 53 19 84 10. Artists: Jean-Michel Sanejouand, François Curlet, Adel Abdessemed, Loris Greaud. Newcomer Cao Fei until May 25. Open: Weds-Fri 2pm-7pm, Sat-Sun 12pm-8pm. Entrance: free
9 . La Galerie des Galeries

Probably one of the most unlikely places to find an art space – round the back of Galliano, Gaultier and Westwood designs on the first floor of the grand Galeries Lafayette department store on Boulevard Haussmann. Designed by Pascal Grasso in 2001, the visitor is drawn into the permanent 300 square metre exhibition space through a white igloo-like passageway neatly bridging the gap between store and gallery. Recent exhibitions have included work by Pierre Ardouvin, Richard Fauguet, Tatiana Trouve and Mathieu Mercier – all prominent on the contemporary art scene. Also small but well-stocked art bookshop.
· 1st Floor Galeries Lafayette, 40 Bd Haussmann, 9ème,

La Galerie des Galeries, +33 1 42 82 81 98. Open: Mon-Sat 9.30am-7.30pm, Thursday evening until 9pm. Entrance: Free
by giuxxx
sept 2012